Saturday, 7 July 2012

Cross-stitching seems analogous with child birth...

... it's a long, arduous process to finish a project, but you always forget about how hard it was by the time you're ready to give it another go.

Here's a look at what I've been working on the past few months.

I am such a sucker for nerdy craft projects.  There's really nothing more satisfying that immortalizing something nerdy in a hipster medium.  For example, I whipped this cross-stitch up while watching seasons 2-4 of Dr. Who:
I was so inspired by the fun and joy of this cross-stitch project that I decided that I needed a bigger, grander project.

I received a cross-stitch kit for Christmas from my amazingly wonderful sister-in-law-to-be Jessie.  Not only was it an incredibly nerdy World of Warcraft reference, but it was also a good 4-5 inches high... in petty-point.  I tried to find a definition of petty-point on the internet, but failed abysmally.  It involves teensy stitches  on 18 count aida cloth, with only one strand of thread.  All that to say, this was a grand undertaking.

It's actually been a little grander than I anticipated.  I started working on him shortly after I moved back to Alberta at the beginning of May, and he's still got a long way to go.

I present to you the half-completed majesty of Flagglemurk The Cruel.

The pink line is the median point for the piece.  As I have yet to really make much of a dent south of that line, I suspect he's around 50% complete that this point.

I will continue to write updates on his progress, which will hopefully motivate me to keep on going.  He has been by far my most time-consuming project, with Nyan-cat coming in at a close second.  But, I think he's going to be totally worth the work in the end.

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